It was while helping out in an open club event that Steve saw the potential for developing scoring software. This has since been used extensively in the Gloucestershire area for road races, cross country and relays and even at regional level.
In more recent years, chip timing started to become popular and access to time keepers and those able to produce race results ever more difficult to find. But it became evident that hiring race timing firms was a serious financial consideration, especially for smaller clubs. With this in mind we decided to begin a venture that would provide similar facilities at a more reasonable cost – leaving the promoting organisation with more revenue to help boost their club funds or distribute to worthy causes.
As there are only two of us providing the timing service, we may request RDs to find one or two volunteers from their organisation to help us.
It is not our intention for this venture to provide us a living, simply an opportunity to give back to sport the enjoyment and support we received when participating ourselves. Race fees will go towards recouping the cost of our equipment.